Compost Awareness
What is composting?
Below are some helpful links to help explain what composting is all about:
Why is composting important?
Check out The Compost Story, as told by Rosario Dawson, Amy Smart, Paul Blackthorne, Kendrick Sampson and Adrian Grenier.

Who can compost? Everyone!
Everyone can compost! Composting can remove 20-50% from your household waste stream, reducing the burden on landfills, while replenishing your lawn, trees, houseplants, or garden, for free! Think differently! From around the house, to the office, the laundry, the bathroom, to pet pet-related to party supplies, so many things can be composted. Here's a quick list to 100 things you can compost by Small Footprint Family.

How to compost?
How to compost the easy way!

Recipe for Backyard Composting
Vermicomposting 101
How to Compost at Work
Composting for Kids, A Complete Guide for Composting at Home
120 Things You Can Compost from Home
Compost Fun Facts
1. Food scraps and yard waste currently make up 20 to 30 percent of what we throw away, and should be composted instead. Making compost keeps these materials out of landfills where they take up space and release methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
2. You can compost in the winter! (Even if you live somewhere with harsh winters!) Earth911 has an excellent guide to winter composting.
3. Composting can clean contaminated soil. Composting absorbs odors and treats both volatile and semi volatile organic compounds. It also stops heavy metals from entering waterways or being absorbed into plants by binding them.
4. Did you know that some birds use compost to incubate their eggs? The Australian Brush-turkey builds piles of decomposing vegetation. The heat from these ‘compost piles’ is used to incubate their eggs so that they won’t have to sit on them! The compost pile maintains the eggs at about 33°C (92°F), 15°C warmer than the surrounding air temperature meaning that many more eggs can be incubated. (Source: Bakashi Living)
5. Unusual Things You Can Compost:
- 100% cotton balls
- Used matches
- Wine cork
- Eggshells
- Peanut shells
- Dryer lint
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