Speakers Bureau

Please browse the directory below to look for topics that align with your group's interests:
  • Speakers Bureau Directory (PDF)
  • Speaker Request FORM

The people of OC Waste & Recycling play many different roles in delivering an essential public service to the residents and businesses of Orange County – the management and disposal of solid waste. The work we do provides a critical environmental utility. We are skilled and talented professionals with expertise in a range of fields. And we are public servants eager to share our knowledge and expertise with you as we execute our roles.

Our agency mission statement guides us to help ensure a safe and healthy community for current and future generations by providing waste management services, protecting the environment and promoting recycling. Those three focus areas of our mission require a broad spectrum of expertise, and as a result we also are well-positioned to share information about career paths and options in the landfill and waste industry. We will make every attempt to meet your request for a speaker.

Once your speaker has been confirmed, your assigned speaker will contact you directly to coordinate logistics.
Questions? Contact Heidi Darby at heidi.darby@ocwr.ocgov.com.

OCWR Speaker's Bureau