OC Office of Sustainability


sustainability website banner


Headshot photo of Tara Tisopulos

Welcome to the Orange County Office of Sustainability! 

The Sustainability Office was formed in February 2024 to assist not only our County departments and unincorporated communities but also to serve as a centralized location for resources for cities, non-governmental organizations and citizens. The Office is currently working on the first phase of the Climate Action Plan (CAP). The CAP includes a greenhouse gas inventory of all County municipalities and unincorporated regions as well as target sectors of focus, emission reduction measures and the associated co-benefits that the document hopes to achieve. The County has hosted six public forums with countless individual meetings and panels and presentations to spread the word about this critical first step in the process. The Preliminary CAP will be presented to the Orange County Board of Supervisor on September 24, 2024. 

The second phase of the CAP will include a more detailed analysis of the measures and a full assessment under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). A CEQA analysis will help streamline the implementation process in the future and give the County an advantage in the grant application process. The detailed analysis will help prioritize measures for the County in terms of cost-effectiveness and greatest need and ensure we are targeting reductions in our most vulnerable communities. 

Other components of the Sustainability Office will be outreach and advocacy in the form of assisting local entities with their grant submittals, GHG inventories, reviewing pertinent legislation and hosting forums ranging from emergency response preparedness to applying for green tax incentives. The CAP will be an evolving document as new technology emerges, funding becomes available, or the needs of the County or constituents shifts.

We welcome your ideas, your participation, and your support. Please do not hesitate to reach out to GreenOC@ocwr.ocgov.com.


Tara Tisopulos and the Whole Green Team!



  • Energy 
  • Mobility
  • Resource Recovery and Waste 
  • Environmental Justice
  • Natural Resources
  • Resilience 
sustainability sectors



To subscribe for ongoing updates to Orange County Office of Sustainability information email us at GreenOC@ocwr.ocgov.com Orange County Preliminary Climate Action Plan (CAP) Public Meeting

If you were unable to attend our Public Forums, the presentation is available at www.ocgov.com/sustainability. (Link to presentation).