
Proposed Addendum to Prima Deshecha Landfill CEQA document

Orange County Waste & Recycling (OCWR) will be preparing and approving a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) addendum for the Prima Deshecha Landfill (Prima) to more accurately reflect estimates of when the landfill will reach its design capacity and cease accepting waste. The estimated closure date for Zone 1 will be revised from 2019 to 2050. The estimated closure date for Zone 4 will be revised from 2067 to 2102. No changes to the overall landfill design or operations as analyzed in the General Development Program (GDP) will result from the addendum.

Click HERE to view Addendum and attachments.

Please submit any questions or comments about this Addendum to the following:

Kristina Hamm, Public Communications Manager
OC Waste & Recycling
300 N. Flower Street, Suite 400
Santa Ana, CA 92703
Phone: 714 834-4059