Habitat Mitigation

OC Waste & Recycling (OCWR) does a lot more than just take trash!

OCWR obtains regulatory permits as required by agencies such as USFWS, CDFW, RWQCB, and the Army Corps of Engineers and restores habitat to mitigate for environmental impacts associated with landfill development. OCWR has restored approximately 388 acres throughout the County. Restored habitats include coastal sage scrub, riparian and wetland habitats, CA native grasslands, and many coast live oak trees. These restored areas are maintained and protected in perpetuity by conservation easements, and provide habitat for many native wildlife and plant species, including the threatened Coastal CA gnatcatcher and endangered Least bell’s vireo. Some of our mitigation lands also preserve about 450 translocated individuals of endangered thread-leaved brodiaea flowers. At OCWR, habitat restoration efforts involve extensive planning and permitting and are typically initiated prior to land development impacts.

Learn more about habitat mitigation at each of our active landfills: