Bowerman Power RNG CEQA

Bowerman Power LFG, LLC (Bowerman Power) is working with OC Waste & Recycling (OCWR) to develop a Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) production plant (Plant) at FRB Landfill, known as the Bowerman Power RNG Plant Project (Project). Currently, excess landfill gas (LFG) not processed at the existing Bowerman Power Plant requires incineration at the existing adjacent flare station. The new RNG Plant will process this excess LFG and deliver the resulting RNG to Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas). 

This effort will promote the beneficial reuse of existing and future LFG collected by FRB Landfill, support long-term sustainability goals in the region, and help reduce Orange County’s reliance on fossil fuels. Additionally, the Project will contribute to California Public Utility Commission’s Renewable Gas Program to procure RNG made by methane from organic waste from landfills and other sources, reduce the volume of LFG being flared, and help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the FRB Landfill. The RNG plant will have the capacity to process 6,000 standard cubic feet per minute of LFG which is equivalent to avoiding the GHG emissions from 60,196 tons of landfilled waste each year.

In compliance with CEQA, OCWR has prepared an Initial Study (IS) and Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and determined the project will not create a significant effect, because Mitigation Measures described in the Initial Study have been added to the project. The proposed MND will be circulated for public review for at least 30 days, in compliance with Section 15073 of the CEQA Guidelines, from October 17, 2024, to November 15, 2024. The IS/MND is located below.

To watch the public meeting conducted on October 22, please visit

To submit comments during public review, please send an email to

Contact Information



Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration 

Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration (Without Appendices)

Notice of Intent

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C1

Appendix C2

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F